
Meals Served

Stats from 2023


Nights of Shelter Provided to 295 Unique Individuals


Unique Individuals provided with 321 nights of Cold Grace Shelter


Households served in Transitional Housing


of individuals exited to housing or moved back in with family


of families exited to housing or moved back in with family


Have stable monthly income

Our Mission Is

Guided by faith, love, and respect, we provide food, shelter, and individualized supportive services to Haywood County residents.

Our Vision Is

A community where all of our neighbors have access to safe shelter, nutritious food, and pathways to flourish.

Our Values

At Haywood Pathways Center, we envision a community where faith, inclusivity, and respect converge to uplift every individual, fostering personal and community growth. Through integrity, partnership, and responsible stewardship, we strive to cultivate pathways to stability while embracing transparency and diversity as foundational principles guiding our actions and relationship.


We believe that faith in God, our creator and healer, provides us with hope, reassurance, guidance and support in our vision and mission for the organization. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to serving our neighbors, recognizing that we are all human beings created in the image of God.


We believe that prayer is essential for guidance in the direction, conception, planning and execution of the programs of the organization. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to prayer as a source of guidance and strength in all we do.


We believe all people are God’s people, and should be respected, loved and cared for regardless of race, age, gender, cultural background or lifestyle. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to provide respect, dignity, fairness, caring, and equality to all who enter our doors.

Inclusiveness and Diversity

We believe each person has unique attributes, characteristics and perspectives that make them who they are; this diversity is essential to the success of the organization’s mission. Haywood Pathways Center values and is committed to inclusiveness and diversity in all its activities; including, but not limited to, employee practices, board and volunteer recruitment, and service provision.


We believe it is important for each person to do the right thing at all times and in all circumstances. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to an environment in which all staff, board members and volunteers will act with honesty, fairness and integrity while representing this organization.


We believe that teamwork is the key to success in creating pathways out of poverty. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to developing partnerships with other like-minded individuals, churches, organizations and businesses who can help us accomplish our vision.


We believe that all stakeholders should have access to appropriate and accurate information regarding the financials, operations and activities of the organization. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to an environment of openness, accessibility and communication.

Responsible Stewards

We believe we have a responsibility to be wise stewards and managers of the resources entrusted to us. Haywood Pathways Center is committed to the protection, maintenance, development and management of all resources, financial or otherwise, in a prudent, responsible and accountable manner.

Our Strategic Plan

After the successful completion of the last two strategic plans, the Haywood Pathways Center Board of Directors worked with the consulting firm, Funding For Good, to develop the current strategic plan. This plan is the guiding document for the vision and work of Haywood Pathways Center for 2024-2026.

Beginning with a series of questions and interviews with key stakeholders, a focus was developed. Through much hard work and honest conversation, three broad areas were identified as the foundation of the current strategic plan. Those key areas are:

Engaging Our Community to Create Meaningful Impact
Increase awareness
Foster Community Relationships
Meet Client Needs

Boosting Organizational Health and Effectiveness
Ensure Strong Board Leadership
Attract and Retain Quality Staff
Ensure Efficient Operations

Growing Financial, Physical, and Human Resources
Increase Financial Resources
Update and Optimize Facilities
Strengthen Volunteer Involvement

Although this strategic plan is intended to cover a three-year period, it is broken down into one-year increments, each containing specific accomplishments that will move Haywood Pathways toward realizing its vision. It is intended that the detailed implementation plans developed for each accomplishment are reviewed every 90 days to track progress and provide the opportunity for adjustments to the plans as circumstances and situations may require.

Much appreciation and credit are given to the board and the many supporters of Haywood Pathways Center for their support and insight that helped make this process a reality.

Our Story

The Story of Haywood Pathways

The idea of the Haywood Pathways Center began in early 2014 when two men were released from the local jail. The Haywood County Sheriff watched as they walked out the doors and sat down on the sidewalk in front of the building. He walked outside and asked them where they were going. The men replied they had nowhere to go except the same places that brought them trouble and got them put in jail in the first place. Looking over at the empty, unused former prison facility, the sheriff wondered, “What if the very walls used to punish those who had committed crimes could be used as a place to help those, without hope, find a lifeline?”

Hazelwood Prison Transformation – Haywood Pathways Center

Also in 2014, the Haywood Christian Emergency Shelter, which had operated as a cold weather shelter in Haywood County since 2009, learned it was no longer going to be able to lease the building it had been using for the shelter in the winter months. In talks between the President of the homeless shelter and the Haywood County Sheriff, a vision began to take form- transitional housing for individuals being released from jail with no place to go and a year round shelter for the homeless.

The combination of a sheriff who was tired of arresting the same people over and over, a need for a place for a homeless shelter, a community kitchen willing to expand, the commitment of numerous volunteers, town and county officials, churches, businesses and organizations came together and the vision became a plan. Haywood Christian Emergency Shelter, Next Step Ministries and The Open Door accepted the challenge and became the three agencies around which all others could gather.

With a plan in place, the next step was to raise funds—and it needed to happen quickly. Without a place to house the homeless shelter, the winter of 2014 was going to be very difficult and dangerous for the homeless in Haywood county. Fund raising began in earnest, but what was needed was a big boost—something to really kick everything off. Learning of an online voting contest; The Ty Pennington Guaranteed Rate Ultimate Neighborhood Give back Challenge, the three groups decided to enter – even though it was late in the game and the odds were against them. Haywood County residents rose to the challenge and Haywood Pathways Center won out over 300 other entries for a $ 50,000 prize and a visit from Ty Pennington to “Flip the Prison.”

“Motivating a community, having people rally and want to do something positive, sometimes all you need is a belief in yourself, that you can do it.
What has blown me away is that these guys have really convinced a lot of people that this is going to be a phenomenal thing.”
— Ty Pennington

Ty Pennington

After the September 25, 2014 kickoff with Ty Pennington where more than 1000 volunteers came together to renovate the old prison, the effort continued to raise funds and complete the work needed to open the doors before winter. In less than a year after conception, Haywood Pathways Center opened the doors to their first guests on November 15, 2014. Although the kitchen still was not ready, and guests had to be transported to The Open Door for meals, they had a warm place to stay during those cold winter nights. On January 5, 2015 the kitchen was ready, and the first meal was served. Haywood Pathways Center was fully operational from that moment on.

In the time since the opening, Haywood Christian Emergency Shelter and Next Step Ministries have dissolved to become one with Haywood Pathways Center, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. Although The Open Door continues to operate separately, they work closely with Haywood Pathways Center to feed not only the guests at the facility, but the needy in the community as well. An Executive Director, Community Liaison, three full time, and three part time staff carry out the day to day operations at the shelter and oversee programs that are designed to help individuals get back on their feet and become self-sustaining members of our community.

Haywood Pathways Center will continue to make history. Haywood County residents experiencing homelessness have a warm place to sleep, those recently released from jail have a place to get their lives in order, those experiencing hunger have a place to eat. Lives are being transformed—people are finding jobs, homes, family, faith, and hope..

Virtual Tour

Our Team

Julie Cloninger

Interim Executive Director

Neil Ravenna

Food Services Director


Office Manager


Case Manager


Senior Case Manager


Housing Services Specialist


Peer Support Specialist


Holy Cow Line Cook


Holy Cow Line Cook

Residential Staff

Residential Staff

Community Partners

We know we cannot meet every need, and thanks to our partners, we don’t need to! We work hard to connect residents to needed resources outside of Haywood Pathways so that they have access to their support system regardless of where they might reside. Haywood County is fortunate to have a strong network of organizations working together to uplift our community.

Employment & Education

Goodwill Career Connections
State of Franklin SCSEP
Haywood Community College

Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Services

Meridian Behavioral Services
Appalachian Community Services
Haywood County Drug Treatment Court


Blue Ridge Health
Mountain Projects


Vaya Health
Mountain Projects
Region 1 Continuum of Care
Waynesville Housing Authority


Mountain Projects: Head Start
B.E.A.R. Closet
Clothes For Kids


Veterans Services of the Carolinas


Haywood Christian Ministries
The Community Kitchen
Friendship House
MANNA Foodbank


Working Wheels
Mountain Projects/Haywood County Transit

Marketing & Web

Digital Buzz Media