Served 86,298 Meals
(19,104 from Holy Cow Food Truck)
Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter

Provided 20,001 Nights of Shelter
Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Provided 80 Unique Individuals with 403 nights of Cold Grace Shelter

Sheltered 233 Unique Individuals
172 Men and Women
23 Parents and 38 Children

60% of individuals
86% of families
Exited to Housing or moved back in with Family

73% Have Stable Monthly Income
63 Employed
84% Working Full-Time

3 Day Program

Initial Intake

Guests will receive up to 3 nights lodging upon admission to the Haywood Pathways Center. After 3 days the director will work with them to evaluate which options are the best solution for their needs. Guests may be invited to join a program of extended stay at the Haywood Pathways Center, or we may assist them in obtaining other avenues of assistance. If Guests are in a program and stay out overnight without permission, they will not be allowed back for 10 days. During the 3-day period, Guests will work on getting their identifications if they don’t have them.  Guests will be required to do dorm chores during their 3 day stay.  Guests will meet with the director on day 3 to discuss their continued stay at the Haywood Pathways Center.